Saturday, August 30, 2008

Another big day for us!!

Today was a milestone day around the Allen household!

About 3 weeks ago we purchased a potty for Isabella at Target and put it in the bathroom. Whenever we use the bathroom, she goes with us and sits on her potty (with her clothes on). For the last week or so we have had her sit on it naked just before her bath time, and nothing has happened, until tonight!! Tonight Jason was getting her ready for her bath, and urgently called me to the bathroom! I ran in there (as fast as I can lately), and we found pee in her little potty! Of course we danced around the bathroom, and sang, praised her, and told her how happy and proud of her we are! We have been really hoping that she might be totally toilet trained by March, hopefully this is just the beginning of a wonderful relationship between her and the potty! Tomorrow is another day, we will see if it happens again!!

To make the day even better--MOUNTAINEER football started back today!! We decided that we would order College Game day on our DirectTV for Jason as an early Christmas present, just in time for the season opener today! Being here in SC we would not ordinarily get all the WVU games, but with Game Day we should not have to miss any of them!! Yes Keri, we did have chips and a dip while watching the game--it's a little tradition for us!!

We have been working on Isabella saying "Let's go Mountaineers!!" She comes pretty close, the "let's go" is totally clear, and if you know that she is trying to say Mountaineers, you could probably recognize it!

She wore her WVU tee shirt today, it is getting a little tight, but mine is too lately!! She will probably get a new one for her birthday!

The cutest little WVU fan ever!
Reading the newspaper with her Grand during half-time!

I tried to include a recent video, but blogger is taking forever, and I am quite tired and need to go to bed. Hopefully I will get to post it soon!


The Severances said...

She really is the cutest little WVU fan I have ever seen. I haven't seen too many around here...but they wouldn't stand a chance--she takes the cake! We are glad football season has begun too!

Susan said...

Yay for Isabella! That is great! Good to see pics of y'all! Hope your pregnancy is going smoothly & y'all are good!

Jennie said...

I HEAR THE BABY IS A GIRL!!!!! Isabella was right!!! YIPPEEE!!!! I am so happy for you to join the overly estrogen charged world, that I am beaming!!!! Happy! :) Big Love, Jennie