Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pictures from the last few weeks!!

The last few weeks have been really busy!! We have been busy living, and loving each other and our family--and enjoying summer!! Summer rocks!! If it just wasn't quite so HOT already!

Last weekend my brother and his wife (Ben and Kim) came down to visit us, and spend some time at the beach! It is always so wonderful to get to spend time with them. We love them so much and wish that we lived closer to each other. As you will see in the pictures, Aunt Kim and Isabella have their own little love affair going on. Just this morning she was walking around the house calling for her! I wish that they were still here and that she could have found her!!
If you look really closely, you can probably see the chocolate frosting on her mouth!

Isabella playing in Uncle Ben's stinky running shoes! Yuck!

Grand and Isabella at the shore!!

Isabella putting "andy otion" aka sandy lotion on aunt Kim's back!
More Aunt Kim and Isabella, is anyone noticing a pattern here?
Does anyone else see just a hint of red in her hair? Maybe just a hint????
Isabella and Uncle Ben
We ended our weekend at the beach with dinner at "California Dreaming," and my Dad came up from Charleston and joined us!!
Uncle Ben and Gran
Grand, Isabella, and Aunt Kim
My Dad (Grandpa Nick) and Uncle Ben
Myself, Grandpa Nick, and Uncle Ben

Thank you so much Uncle Ben and Aunt Kim for spending your vacation with us!! We always love spending time with you!!