Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My Birthday Celebration

I am a lucky girl--I got to celebrate my birthday for three days!! Saturday in Charleston, and then on Sunday we (Mr. Allen, my Mom, Jason, Isabella and myself) ate Papa John's pizza for dinner and my Mom made a carrot cake with cream cheese icing (my favorite!!). We decided that since Isabella is almost a year old she was old enough to try pizza crust and carrot cake. I scraped all the toppings off of the pizza and let her eat the crust--she ate a whole piece!! After that she was kind of timid with the cake--she sometimes has a thing about new textures--Mr. Allen put a small piece in her mouth to make her try it, and she loved it!!

Her Grandpa Nick will be so happy that we finally let her try pizza!!
And now, on to the cake! Mommy's favorite part!!
This look says "wow, you are really letting me eat this"!!
Papa and his "Honey"!
My Mom and Jason enjoying their cake!
Then on Monday, my actual birthday, I worked. Jason and Isabella got me a bouquet of beautiful flowers. That night we finally got to go to a parenting Bible Study that we have been trying to make it to for almost a year. The very first meeting of the Bible Study was last October, the day that Isabella was born!! Anyway, it was great to finally get to be there. We really enjoyed the study and getting to fellowship with the other people in the group. Thanks for being so welcoming!!