Sunday, July 29, 2007

Standing up!!

Another new thing this week is that Isabella can pull herself up to standing! She also finally has two bottom teeth coming in, as soon as I can get a picture of them I will post it! Thanks Reeves and Rebecca for letting us borrow this toy!

Jason was taking pictures of her in her exersaucer when I got home day from work, trying to catch the excitement on her face!! It's adorable-- she jumps, reaches, squeals and says "mama mama!"

On the move!!

She gets so tickled with herself!!

Standing up on her own, and she pulled herself up!
Thanks Tallon for letting us borrow your toy!

Daddy, I want to hold that shiny thing that you keep pointing at me!!

Getting dressed for bed, after a long day of playing and a bath!

We can't resist taking pictures of her asleep in her crib. Just too adorable, precious, and sweet!


Unknown said...

Love your new pictures

Julie, Robert and Luke said...

so so so cute!!!!!!

Rebecca said...

glad you got the pictures up!! sorry I missed your call!!! I am glad Isabella is enjoying the table- Tallon loved it for MONTHS! It is GREAT ENTERTAINMENT!! love ya guys- we enjoyed hanging out the other night!